Reference material
In addition to the web pages that directly discuss the results or the organization of Principia Cybernetica, we have also collected a lot of background material which is relevant to the project, without directly being part of it. These documents and references will be useful for all people whose interest overlaps with ours, even if they do not agree with our specific philosophical ideas.
First, we have opened an "electronic library" where we provide freely downloadable copies of books related to the project's subject, such as Ashby's classic "Introduction to Cybernetics". Then, we have developed an extensive web dictionary of cybernetics and systems, based on existing glossaries by different authors that we compiled, converted to hypertext and made searchable. We have also gathered documentation about the domain of cybernetics and systems theory, including a general introduction to the domain, its history and its main theorists, bibliographies of basic books and papers, lists of journals, associations and mailing lists. Finally, our Related Sites section provides extensive lists of links to selected websites about systems, cybernetics, complexity, self-organization, human-machine interaction, cognition, philosophy, evolution, memetics, networking, knowledge integration, and future developments.
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