Photo: the editorial board at their 1996 meeting in Washington DC, from left to right: Turchin, Joslyn, Heylighen, Bollen
The Principia Cybernetica project is managed by a Board of Editors. The Board is responsible for the collection, selection and development of the material, and for the implementation of the computer system. The Board's work is supported by the editorial assistants, Johan Bollen and Alex Riegler. All inquiries or proposals about PCP should be directed to one of the editors below:
Free University of Brussels, Pleinlaan 2, B-1050 Brussels, Belgium.
Email: fheyligh at vub.ac.be
Los Alamos National Laboratory
Los Alamos, USA
Email: joslyn[ at ]lanl.gov
Computer Science, City College of New York, USA
Email:VTurchin[ at ]BellAtlantic.net

Photo: the editorial board at their 1991 meeting in Brussels, from left to right: Joslyn, Turchin, Heylighen

Photo: part of the editorial board at a 2001 meeting, from left to right: Heylighen, Bollen, Joslyn