Parent Node(s):
(l) One who watches without participating. (2) The
source of factual evidence; a person who communicates his sense
impression of the external environment. (3) Everything said is
said to an observer. (Witz, in Von Foerster, 1974) (4)
Observer dependence - the concept that knowledge of reality is
dependent upon the perceptions of the observer. (5) Observer
inseparability - the concept that observation or measurement
affects the state of the object being observed, that is,
objective measurement or observation from outside a system is not
possible, and the act of observing makes the observer part of the
system under study. Therefore, the observer or measuring device
should be included in the definition of the system. (Weinberg)
(6) A system which, through recursive interactions with its own
linguistic states, may always linguistically interact with its
own states as if with representations of its interactions.
(Maturana and Varela, 1979)
URL= http://cleamc11.vub.ac.be/ASC/OBSERVER.html