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the composer's activity and the traces left by it.
The composer's activity is motivated by a wish of bringing about
that which without him and human intent would not happen. In
particular, the composer's activity consists in constructing
contexts, systems, stipulated universes, where in objects and
statements, selected by the composer, not only manifest more than
their mere existence, but have a function or value of sense or
meaning which without his construction they would not have.
Occasionally the composer's activity brings about that which
without him and without human intent could not have happened,
leaving traces which nothing else could have left. The wish
which motivates the composer's activity is motivated by an
exclusively human property which thus exhaustively and
sufficiently defines the term "human": a "need" which is
generated by a want. Among all biological systems only the human
system contains that self-observing dimension when comes, beyond
the system's "need," the system's want to survive. Thence the
want, beyond the "need," of survival, and thus the exclusively
human concept of an intent that would or will retard decay; in
particular the decay of information, the ordering of a system,
any system stipulated, discovered, or dreamed of. (H. Brun)
URL= http://cleamc11.vub.ac.be/ASC/COMPOSITION.html