Parent Node(s):
Occurs when a huge number of possible
combinations are created by increasing the number of entities
which can be combined--forcing us to consider a constrained set
of possibilities when we consider related problems. (Arbib)
It occurs when a small increase in the number of elements that can be combined increase the number of combinations to be computed so fast that it quickly reaches computational limits (see bremermann's limit). E.g., the number of possible coalitions (partitions of unlike individuals into like parts) among 3 individuals is 5, among 5 individuals it is 52, among 10 individuals it is 115,975 and among 20 individuals it is 51,724,156,235,572, etc. (Krippendorff)
URL= http://cleamc11.vub.ac.be/ASC/COMBIN_EXPLO.html